My African friend (cyber-daughter) Shiroo, and her new hubby in Dec. 2004. 


And here you have my Australian friend, Dianne and her grandies on a special visit!

Here is Dovie & her hubby on their wedding day in 1965 and here is one of them in 1990  

Below you will see Johnny & Katie (me)  in Ohio, Nov. 22, 1998 we renewed our vows after 13 years  of marriage. Now it is now over 20 years of marital happiness! Here we are in June of 2004 . And here I am with my sister on her visit here to see us in Iowa in June, 2004.

In the next pic you will see Cassie in Venice, Italy feeding the pigeons. a few years ago. She is the daughter of my lovely British friend, Elaine!


And here is Johnny & me in 1987 on our moving trip to Kentucky!  Here is me with my little grand-daughter several years on a visit to see them in good old Kentucky, U.S.A.! This is my brother in law on our vacation to Connecticut in 2000 . I call it the "Atlantic-dip"! I fell seat first into the ocean and he was helping me up!  Here is Johnny with Charles, my brother on his visit here in June of 2004. This is taken at a museum here in Iowa. All kinds of goodies to see!

  Here is Johnny and me as farmers! He is the lady and I am the man..I got the pitch fork in my hand! LOL!  The young man below is Adam Salifu from Africa.  

  Here is Brandi's newest addition..the one Terri delivered in her home in Nevada!

Here is Hanna & Ezra (her fiancee') this past year. She is from Ethiopia.



Page created by Katie Sansone.

Background by Free-Graphics on the Web

Updated: Oct. 21, 2007